
“Scrambles” are a great way to meet other members of all skill levels and get in a lot of playing time even if you don’t know anyone. At a specified time each week, members who want to play get together at the courts. There is no sign-up or charge, you just show up. Scrambles are informally organized, but generally, you are paired with another player as described below. You play one set then switch around and play with another partner against with another pair. This continues until time runs out. The system runs efficiently and everyone usually has a great time.
Scrambles for tennis takes place each Sunday during the tennis season from 9 am till 1 pm on Courts 1 and 5. Those wishing to join the Scrambles should sign up on the list provided for that purpose. The top four names on the list play one set, at which time the names are crossed off the list. (A tiebreaker will be played at 5-games-all if others are ready to play). Players completing their Scrambles set may re-enter their names at the bottom of the list.
There are restrictions on moving between Scrambles and regular hour court sign-up play. These are made for fairness to both Scrambles and non-Scrambles players, and result from prior experience on crowded weekends.
In the event that Courts 2, 3 or 4 are open, waiting Scrambles players may use them at risk of being “bumped” by arriving court sign-up players, who will have first priority. Scrambles players will indicate their status by signing in as “Open” on the sign-up board.
In the event that Court 1 or 5 are not being used, waiting non-Scrambles players may use them at risk of being “bumped” by arriving Scrambles players, who have first priority. Non-Scrambles players will indicate their status by filling in the word “Open” on the sign-up board.
In order to help maintain this sensible use of court space, please be pro-active on relinquishing the courts to arriving players who have not played.
Similar rules apply.
Paddle scrambles take place Saturdays between 8:30 and 10 am during the paddle season — roughly early-October through mid-April. An informal group also often assembles on Wednesday evenings around 7 pm. Similar rules apply.